Other Services


We provide the following value-added services:


This is commonly engaged for projects which requires customized images at customer’s request. We charge a daily rate of RM2,000. The total number of days required is based on the shoot-list. Traveling expenses and accommodation if required, are not included in the rate. The customer shall have exclusive rights to use the images, but all rights will still belong to Giclee Art and the Photographer.


We provide art scanning services at the rate of RM50/sqft per artwork (round up to the nearest square-feet) which includes the high resolution scan, editing and color proofing on the media/paper of choice for reproduction. The final image will be delivered to the customer in DVD or file transfer. The cost of the final print is not included. Depending on complexity, the original artwork shall be returned within two (2) working days.


We provide post processing services at the rate of RM250/2 hrs or RM50/image. Images will be edited in Adobe Lightroom CC and/or Photoshop CC to customers’ requirement. The final edited file(s) shall be delivered in PSD and TIFF-16/JPEG (non-layered) format.


Please feel free to contact us for more information:

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